ABOUT THE COURSE: The Foundation for Sport, Development and Peace is a certified Training Provider offering a Sport Management qualification which is a NQF Level 5 Higher Certificate accredited by CATHSSETA. The Sport Management Course is offered by respected academics and practitioners in the field. The Sport Management Course is a comprehensive programme that covers all major aspects of sport management including governance, management, administration, structure and functioning of sport organisations, business principles and marketing, communication, facilities and event management, project management and finance as well as special topics. This is an applied course and sport practitioners at sport offices and federations are being targeted. The Course is offered online and runs over 9 months with 3 – 4 weekly (online sessions). Face-to-face contact sessions will be arranged.
NEW CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: The Foundation hereby invites new applications for the 2nd Sport Management Course from July 2023 to March 2024. The Foundation is at present mobilizing scholarships from industry partners that applicants may apply for once confirmed. Interested applicants should complete the application form and submit it to our course administrator (details below)
WHO WE TARGET: This Course is aimed at sport-related managers, educators, coaches, and senior administrators who are active as volunteers or part-time employees in sport organisations such as sport clubs, sport at school and sport related NGOs and who are not employed full-time. The course targets individuals who have a keen interest in sport and sport organisations, management and administration and who wish to gain a qualification in Sport Management to improve their knowledge, skills and competencies as well as their employability in this field.
COURSE PARTICIPANTS AT A GLANCE (CLASS OF 22/23): FACTS AND FIGURES: The Foundation class of 22/23 who qualified for this Course and are mostly from the Western Cape and Kwazulu-Natal provinces within South Africa. Of these applicants, 97% form part of previously disadvantaged communities of which 35% are female. 17% of our applicants are currently unemployed with most working part-time. 97% of applicants have previously obtained a NQF level 4 certificate (matric or other). Almost all our applicants are currently involved in a sporting environment. Most course candidates are involved in sport & recreation and wish to improve their qualifications and skills in sport management to improve their career prospects in this field.
The Foundation offers the above Sport Management Course as a flagship initiative and is also certified to offer a NQF Sport Administrators Course. The Foundation has offered several Olympic Values Education Courses as certified by the IOC and have offered these certificate courses locally and abroad to coaches, educators and athletes. Additionally, The Foundation offers mentorship programmes, career development facilitation and counselling.